Sunday, June 16, 2013

Air Canada

Overview of Air Canada
Air canada is largest airline of canada which was founded on April 11, 1936 as Trans-Canada Airline (TCA). its first flight was inaugrated on September 1, 1937. In 1965, Trans-Canada Airline was renamed as Air Canada. Air Canada provides service to passengers in more than 175 destinations across the five continents and carries near about 35 million passengers annually. The Corporate Headquarters of Air Canada are located in Montreal, Quebec. Mr. Calin Rovinescu is Current president & CEO of Air Canada. Air Canada is also founding member of Star Alliance, an alliance of 28 member airlines which was founded in 1997. Currently, Air Canada is 15th largest airline of world in terms of traffic.

Air Canada currently owns 346 aircrafts including Air Canada, Air Canada Express and Air Canada Rouge. Air Canada became fully privatized in 1989 and its shares are traded on Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) as a symbol "AC-B.TO".  Operating revenue of Air Canada was near about $12,120 million in 2012 whereas income was $437 million.

References: - About Air Canada. (n.d.). Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Your blog contain good and useful information. It tells about the new strategies and problem of Air Canada .
